The Hilliard Education Association Statement regarding Undocumented Children’s Right to Access a K-12 Public Education

The Hilliard Education Association believes all students have a constitutionally protected right to a public education. Therefore, all children in the U.S.—including undocumented children— have a legal right to attend public school regardless of immigration status. Further, schools should create a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere. Some politicians want to divide our nation by shaming and blaming new immigrants and excluding undocumented immigrant children from public school. This shaming and blaming sends the message that these students—many of whom have lived here so long they can only remember living in the U.S.—do not deserve an education, are not worthy of being our children’s friends, classmates, and teammates, and should not have the opportunity to thrive. Excluding these children from school violates the values we strive to live by as a country, such as protecting children, building strong communities and families, and fairness.

As educators, we have accepted the responsibility to protect our students—every single student, without exception, regardless of their immigration status. The Hilliard Education Association believes we have a professional and moral responsibility to keep our students safe. More importantly, our job is to provide an education that inspires their natural curiosity, imagination, and love of learning. We are growing tomorrow’s inventors, thinkers, artists, leaders, and, yes, educators! We remain committed to using our superpower as educators to ensure every public school is a safe space for every student, without exception, and to uphold the constitutionally protected right of all students to access a public education.

Depriving any child of an opportunity to attend public school puts them at a disadvantage, making it difficult for them to gain the skills they need to contribute fully to society. The Hilliard Education Association believes denying any child the opportunity to attend public school will ultimately hurt us all.